Individual goals –
We give you space for your own needs and goals for development in our firm. We intentionally have no predefined partner track or alternative career path.

The professional goals of each individual are developed jointly, with ongoing and open communication channels.

Our structures are not rigid, rather take the personal needs of each individual into account on their personal career path.
Your path to partnership
We monitor and assist your personal path to partnership – without restricting you.
The path from beginner to partner involves several years as a lawyer at MEISTERLAW. This entails development not only of legal expertise but also skills in autonomous client management and leading an advisor group. There is a standard of comprehensive assessment of progress on the partner track. Even though it is less important, we also assess the ability to convince clients that it is to their advantage to come to MEISTERLAW with their legal matters. An absolute necessity: that our partners respect each other on a personal level in the professional environment. After three years at the most, an assessment of your development on the path to partnership will be made.
For experienced lawyers, this development requires a shorter time span. For lateral hires, this development phase should be already complete.

Alternative paths
Even if you are not pursuing a partner position with us, we offer custom-made solutions that align with your individual needs.
We have intentionally avoided defining alternative career path according to a list of alternative positions. To the contrary, our structure allows for designing a personalized career path for each individual, and then to change it as needed. It is important for us that we perceive and value each of our lawyers – regardless of career model or progress on their career path – at all times as equal members of our team, both personally and professionally, without losing sight of their individual needs.